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About Us

Our goal with this platform is to allow our users to digest helpful and consistent information and media
on the American Hunting industry and culture. Through careful analysis and research, we strive to give
you all relevant and beneficial content on what is going on in the Hunting world. We want to create a community which continues to grow. We want to create a community which helps to preserve hunting practices in the United States.


By utilizing our platform as a steppingstone for education, our plan is to make it easy to get the
information you need, whether that is hunting gear reviews, current events, and anything in between.


We are Andrew and Garrison Cheyne. Two brothers from Central Virginia. We have a love for the
outdoors and the opportunities the United States has to offer.


We are open to building our team in the future and offering others a platform to educate and make a
difference in the hunting community in the United States as a whole.

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